Category Archives: Street of the Day


#OpenStreets + #CarFreeBroolynBridge = #OpenBrooklynBridge Simple back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that within one year motor vehicle traffic would decrease by 100%, bicycle traffic would increase more than 1100%, and there would be twice as many pedestrians as on the High Line. … Continue reading

Posted in -, New Urbanism, New York, Pedestrian, Slow Street of the Day, Slow Streets, Street of the Day, Urbanism, Walkability | Comments Off on #OpenBrooklynBridge

Occupy Broad Street

THE BROAD crossroads where Wall Street and Broad Street come together is a beautiful space, fully the equal of medieval European plazas. Today, post-911, it’s closed to almost all traffic, because the New York Stock Exchange sits at the southwest corner of the … Continue reading

Posted in Beauty, Current, New York, Pedestrian, Slow Street of the Day, Slow Streets, Street Design, Street of the Day, Urbanism, Walkability | Comments Off on Occupy Broad Street

QB Redux: I think that I shall never see…

WHEN I SHOWED A TRANSFORMATION FOR QUEENS BOULEVARD that included trees over the subway beneath the wide street, some people naturally had some doubts about how well the trees would grow. But look at these trees above the similar “cut and … Continue reading

Posted in Live from New York, New York, Pedestrian, Street Design, Street of the Day, Urbanism | Comments Off on QB Redux: I think that I shall never see…

Vester Voldgade – Our Street of the Day / A Street Design Supplement*

VESTER VOLDGADE, KØBENHAVN (“West Rampart Street, Copenhagen”) is interesting both for its current condition and and its original state. It’s called “Voldgade” because like the boulevards of Paris, it was built where the old city wall stood (the French word “boulevard” … Continue reading

Posted in Good Kind, Pedestrian, Street Design, Street of the Day, Urbanism | Comments Off on Vester Voldgade – Our Street of the Day / A Street Design Supplement*